Thursday, August 21, 2008

Collateral Damage

Do you know this person?

Well, you may THINK you know her. Oh sure, you may say, "That's Karen, the blushing bride of our music leader, Jim. She's the sweet one with the Southern Belle accent."

Well, it's time you knew the truth. During a recent gathering of families and friends, an innocent game of trivia was started. Oh sure, we were keeping score, but there were no prizes and therefore no real incentive to win.....or CHEAT. But yet, dear readers, that's EXACTLY what she did!!! Despite filing protests with the Board of Trivial Pursuits, Karen was declared the winner that night, and to this day I have not been able to look at her the same, and a war has raged between us ever since. Sadly, she has taken it to a new level. At our recent "Back to School" party (note innocent children swimming in the background) she attempted to assault me while I was not looking by launching a large, wet pool sponge in my general direction. Fortunately, she throws like a girl, and said sponge splattered against the head of my lovely bride, Deana. This is a picture of Karen in the seconds immediately following the attack. "Collateral damage" is a term used in wartime to describe uninteded destruction in the general area surrounding but not including the intended target. And my poor wife was a victim of it. Gen. William Tecumsah Sherman said one time in a speech that "War is hell....", but not on this day, my friends....not on this day. It was downright hilarious. Justice prevails.